From October 9th to 13th, URUMAN [Uruguayan maintenance, asset management and reliability society] held the 13th edition of its congress, which Ingener attended. The theme this year was digital revolution and its impacts on asset management in the industry and on facilities.


The first two days were set aside for the development of courses; the rest of the event, for conferences and panels. On October 12th, one of the sessions was conducted by Lucía Addiego, O&M Manager at Ingener, who described the firm’s experience with the current maintenance practices in her presentation called “Operation and Maintenance: the challenges of the Digital Era.”


She then joined the round table “Applications of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Predictive and Control Monitoring Management,” along with other professionals and technicians in the sector. During the meeting, views were exchanged on different aspects of the topic, such as real examples of applications in the country, IoT development in Uruguay, and others.


The URUMAN exhibition was held in the entrance hall to the conference room. Ingener’s service team ran a booth there, providing information to the congress’ attendees. The members of Ingener’s team were: Victoria Howard, María Laura Otero, Laura Fernández, Rocío Sallés and Daniel Bilche, as well as Lucía Addiego.